Beach Trip

What do you do when one of your best college friends moves to the beach? You round up the rest of the gang and head down to see her. This is just what we’ve done for the last several years, and it’s come in the nick of time for some. While we’re often in touch… Continue reading Beach Trip

The Eye

Babies and children used to wake me in the middle of the night, and after that, teenagers coming in late, but now getting up for the bathroom does. Once I'm awake, it's hard to get back to sleep.  And then there are the unexplained wake up calls, the ones that wake me from sound sleep… Continue reading The Eye

Just Sayin’

She was talking, but I wasn't listening. I was thinking about what I wanted to say. I don't have to tell you how popular this weakness of mine isn't, especially with my own family. "So what's your experience been?" she was asking. Caught red handed, I had no idea what she was talking about. "The… Continue reading Just Sayin’

Pining Poor

Dear Rock Creek Women Who Pine, I was feeling out of sorts because I hadn't really wanted to come.  I didn't want to go to church last Sunday either, and I didn't.  I've realized over the last few nights that I haven't been listening to what I've read in the Bible. I've read hurriedly, just… Continue reading Pining Poor

Brightened and Fed

"Well, if you're not struggling, you're dead!" I overheard someone say this week. It's a fitting segue as I sit down to dash this off from Athens, Georgia where this morning, my soccer player at UGA had her 3rd surgery in as many years.  Oh my, how this daughter has struggled. When she went off… Continue reading Brightened and Fed

The True Country

I'm in upstate New York as I write this, enjoying a long weekend with old college friends. We've been hiking and laughing and catching up for three days now in a part of the country I've never seen before, and yet reminds me of the rugged beauty of our beloved Lookout Mountain where we all… Continue reading The True Country